It, as usual, was great and splendid fun, with my eyes filled with photographic enjoyment! Everything from broken down and ramshackle homes, to people walking the street giving me the evil eye as my camera was trained their way..
Needless to say, the weekend had to come to an end.
Well, on the way back home, I got this crazy notion.. How about if I take my 4x5 view camera, and hand-hold it?
Why would I do this, you ask? Well, simple.. You see, we had stopped at the side of the highway because my Nephew got car sick and had a minor accident on himself.
Needless to say, I took a couple of photos in the meantime waiting. One was a Fire Hydrant using my Rolleicord V and TMAX 100 film. The other was my Calumet CC400 View camera, Ektar 127mm lens, and a sheet of EFKE IR820 film, without the IR filter.
This way I could shoot it as a 100ASA film and could hand-hold it.
The question that I'm sure most would be asking is.. "WHY?!"
Well, I didn't have a lot of time to setup the shot, and would have been even less if I had to pull out the Tripod, dark cloth, and all that fun jazz. So I opened the shutter, focused to infinity on the ground glass. Closed the shutter, loaded the camera.. Aimed using the top of the camera to align the Horizon, cocked and clicked.
I wasn't sure how it would come out, but tbh. I like the results!
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"Corn Fields" - Calumet CC400 4x5 Monorail Kodak Ektar 127mm ƒ/4.7 @ ƒ/11 Supermatic Shutter @ 1/100s Efke IR820 @ 100ASA Rodinal 1+50 Tray Develop |
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