I'm still going to shoot a lot of film, but I'm going to try to aim toward a specific genre.
Although I am going to shoot 52 cameras in 52 weeks and use 52 rolls of film (a roll a week) I intend on doing something a little different.
I'm not going to just "Shoot a roll because I can".. I'm going to take my time with each photo. Gauge the angles, lighting, and why am I shooting what I am shooting.
Let the photo tell a story.
But here is where I wrap up last years Year on Film project, where I spent much of the year just shooting different films, and different cameras. Experimenting with staple films, like Polypan F, and even trying out some ORWO UN54+.
This year, it'll be different.
I'm planning on doing more photoshoots, and using more 4x5 film than last year.

Also, throughout a lot of my posts, you have seen me endorsing the Film Photography Project. Now, before you start to think that I am being endorsed to say anything about them, through financial gains, or gratuities, that is not true. I believe in them 100%. They are truly film nuts, and I admire them for spreading the word about film.
Not only are they film nuts, they are enthusiastic about Polaroid, and Impossible film.
I like Impossible film to a point, but there is still a long way to go. Their SX-70 films are wonderful, especially their colour protection film.
Fuji has some excellent Peel-Apart film, and I wish they hadn't killed FP100B, as it's a far nicer product than their FP100C.
So lets look back, and see some of the photos from 2012.

Until Next time.. Keep those shutters firing!
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